Our Automotive Glass Expertise Is Second To None

Sep 28, 2024Why Us

Dennis’s Windshield Had A Bad Road-Hazard Chip

So He Called GoGlass – Delmarva’s
Automotive Glass Experts

Dennis’s windshield was damaged recently, and it wasn’t looking good. A chip in a windshield can get worse if not taken care of in a timely manner, and Dennis wasn’t one to wait around.

He looked for an automotive glass company, and after he found GoGlass, he brought his car in, and we took care of the rest.

Dennis was pleased with the results.

“The results were very good.”

At GoGlass, we’re a glass company that offers residential, commercial, and automotive glass replacements throughout the Delmarva Peninsula. We can handle everything from shower doors to storefronts, car windows, and more.

We’re the glass experts who deliver top-notch results.

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Communicative Along The Way

When Dennis arrived at his appointment, he met with our technician, who walked him through the process. He discussed the repair with Dennis and told him what to expect and how it would go.

Dennis got a real sense of our technicians’ experience. He appreciated the expertise on display when it came to windshield repair.

“The technician told me exactly what to expect and had a lot of experience and expertise.”

We’ve been doing this for a long time – over 40+ years. That experience has improved our knowledge and techniques and our glass repair and replacement as a whole.

Our problem-diagnosis and problem-solving skills have been mastered through years of service in the Delmarva Peninsula.

Meticulous Windshield Repair

Road hazards often leave chips in windshields, and we repair them often. Dennis’s car was no different. We went to work and meticulously repaired his windshield.

Dennis likely saved his car from needing a windshield replacement because he called us before the problem worsened and scheduled a repair.

And in the end, Dennis thought we had done a great job.

“They repaired a road-hazard chip in my windshield and did a great job.”

Our technicians take pride in doing exceptional work. They focus on delivering fantastic results with every vehicle they work on. As with our entire staff at GoGlass, our integrity wouldn’t allow for anything less.

Professionalism Is Key

Dennis ended up noticing something else about us as well.

Our professionalism.

It’s easy to end up waiting and waiting, but Dennis was enthusiastic about how efficiently we worked and kept to our schedule. Finishing work on his car in a timely manner and getting him back out on the road.

“The appointment ran on time.”

We always aim to be professional, from our appearance to our work ethic. That includes finishing work right and on time. We don’t want to tell you something will be done and make you wait hours longer than expected.

That’s why we communicate and strive to be as efficient as we are masterful at our craft.

A Positive Glass Repair Experience

Dennis was happy with his overall windshield repair experience with us at GoGlass. We’d earned his repeat business and a kind word or two in a review of our services.

“It was a positive experience, and I will use them again for any glass needs. They do all kinds of glasswork.”

At GoGlass, we aim to offer top-tier glass replacement services throughout our community. We’re dependable, provide top-quality work, and deliver outstanding customer service.

So, if you need automotive, commercial, or residential glass services in the Delmarva Peninsula and want an experienced glass company that delivers excellent results, contact GoGlass to schedule an appointment.